Saturday, August 2, 2008


from jazzymomintx:

I think you are on the right track with not getting anything to formal just yet. Preschoolers learn so much through play and interaction with parents.
My preschoolers all loved Kumon workbooks. I used Rod and Staff preschool books with her last year, and she has really enjoyed those as well. She asks to "do school" everyday and gets disappointed if we don't have time. The workbooks are really simple and require zero prep work. They involve cutting and coloring activities. They are black and white, though.

Here are some other tips for homeschooling preschool.

from ummibrahim:

Free play w/ various building toys/puzzles/dress up/ etc., Read Read Read together, playdough & other sensory play, water play, library story time, nature walks, bake/cook together, daily living tasks, have lots of art supplies available to explore, have fun!...avoid worksheets and 'crafts'. keep it open ended and child-centered.

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