Saturday, August 2, 2008


from jazzymomintx:

I am worried that you are setting yourself up for failure with the Abeka DVD program. If your child does not like sitting for long periods of time, the Abeka DVD program is not going to be a good fit, especially not at the level where you have to move at Abeka's pace. If you do choose the DVD program, for your own sanity, go with the one where you can move at your own pace.
It sounds like you may feel intimidated by the thought of teaching your children and keeping them on track, but it is really so simple. Programs like Abeka come with lesson plans that tell you exactly what to do/say. I am not at all telling you not to use the DVD program. I just want you to know that you are capable of teaching on your own. That being said, go with the DVD program if that's what you really want to use. It really could work out well for you. But if it doesn't work out, don't consider yourself a failure at homeschooling, just realize it may be the teaching method that isn't a good fit.

I do not have anything against Abeka - it is actually the program we use and love. But I do think moms can set themselves up for failure with this program. It contains MANY schoolish activities that are just unnecessary and will take a long time to complete. We probably do 1/4 of the work the lesson plans call for and it has been MORE than enough to teach my son everything he needs to know.

Make sure you understand the concept of busy work. Abeka lesson plans contain plenty of activities that are just that - stuff that is just meant to keep your child busy and does not add anything to the learning experience. Learn to identify this stuff and skip it - especially if you have a wiggly little boy. Don't feel like you have to do all of your lessons at the kitchen table. You can read to him while he plays with playdoh, digs in the sandbox, plays with matchbox cars, etc.

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